Nordic collaboration on climate neutrality

  The Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) are all aiming at achieving climate neutrality before 2050, but this will be hard to achieve with the current pace of the green transition in the Nordic region. That is one of the key conclusions from the project “Nordic Stocktake and Visions – Pathways to…

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Nordic Perspectives on Transboundary Climate Risk: What are these risks and how to address them?

The newly published report “Nordic Perspectives on Transboundary Climate Risk – Current knowledge and pathways for action” by Tyrsky, Stockholm Environment Institute and Western Norway Research Institute examines transboundary climate risks from the Nordic perspective. The report was commissioned by The Nordic Council of Ministers. Transboundary climate risks result from climate impacts elsewhere. They are…

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Equality in the climate crisis – How can Finland promote gender equality in international climate policy?

Finland influences international climate policy in many ways, for example by participating in climate negotiations and initiatives, granting international climate funding and practicing climate diplomacy. But how can Finland harness these actions to promote equality in international climate policy? This question is examined in a report “Equality in the climate crisis – How can Finland…

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Virtual workshop: Climate change adaptation in education

Climate change adaptation in education   Virtual workshop on 16 Sept 2021 – Registration open now!   In addition to mitigating the climate change, we need to learn how to adapt to its direct and indirect effects, which we are already experiencing. How should we teach adaptation? Welcome to a virtual workshop about climate change adaptation…

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Publishing webinar: Adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea and Arctic Regions Results of a study on governance and policy tools

  Publishing webinar: Adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea and Arctic Regions Results of a study on governance and policy tools   When: Wednesday 8 September 2021 at 10–11 a.m. EEST Where: on Zoom   Registration by 6 September 2021:   Welcome to a publishing webinar of the report “Adaptation to climate…

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Tyrsky mapped adaptation governance in the Baltic Sea and Arctic Region countries

Tyrsky collected and synthesized information about climate adaptation policy and governance in different countries from the Baltic Sea and Arctic regions. In addition to Finland, the report covers the following countries and territories: Sweden, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Norway, Iceland, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Canada and the United States. The report also describes…

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Tyrsky joins Nordic Dialogue to promote best practices in voluntary compensation of emissions

The Nordic Dialogue on Voluntary Compensation funded by the Nordic Working Groups for Climate and Air (NKL) and Environment and Economy (NME) of the Nordic Council of Ministers has been launched. Tyrsky’s experts will be facilitating the dialogue in collaboration with an international team of leading climate experts from Perspectives Climate Group, Carbon Limits and…

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