Tyrsky provides consulting assistance on themes related to climate and sustainable development, project preparation and management, stakeholder collaboration and also science communication. For example, we provide three service packages designed to help our customers to meet the challenges of the future. We will customise the service package to meet your needs related to overall review of sustainability, in-depth analysis of a specific field of sustainability or communication.
The Company of the Future
Climate change will radically alter business practices and marketing in the future. Companies should already draft their own strategic approach to the changes.
Tyrsky’s experts help companies to recognise and control risks that will arise, for example, from the energy system transition, global warming and extreme weather events. At the same time we help our clients to identify and use the new opportunities of the future:
- New low-carbon products and / or services
- Circular economy solutions
- Solutions, that will reduce emissions and risks associated with climate change
- More efficient practices
The company of the future will build its operation upon such products and services that will do well in a low-carbon society. Competitive advantage will arise from business, that anticipates the changing climate and extreme weather events throughout the production chain.

Climate-Proof Municipalities and Regions
Municipalities and regions are the key to making important changes and preparing for the future. However, the implementation of such actions requires strategic planning and expertise.
Tyrsky has a lot of experience in climate strategy work in all of its stages. Together, we’ll make Finnish municipalities and regions climate-proof. At the core of Tyrsky’s expertise:
- Supporting the drafting process of a climate strategy
- Emission calculations
- Roadmaps and implementation plans
- Follow-up planning
- Evaluations and updating the implemented strategy
- Adaptation strategy or integrating adaptation to a climate strategy
Preparation and Management of Project Support
Strategic work and implementation of strategies require resources. Tyrsky’s experts will help all kinds of organisations in the preparation and implementation of successful projects from the project plan to the final report according to customers’ needs. We have years of experience in:
- Finding funding instruments
- Plan writing
- Finding partners
- Project management
- Communication

Examples of our client cases
- EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, MIP4Adapt project. Providing technical assistance regarding adaptation planning, projects and stakeholder cooperation to Finnish, Swedish and Danish regions and cities who have joined the Mission. (2023-2026, ongoing)
- Effectiveness with climate change management practices - The City of Kemi. The expert services concerning climate change work for the municipalities of Lapland. 2022-2023.
- Guidelines for sustainable biogas production from the nutrient management point of view. Sustainable Biogas -project, John Nurminen Foundation. 2022. Guidelines in Finnish.
- Strategic foresight and development. Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (Southwest Finland Municipal Waste Management Ltd.). 2021.
- Development of the Waste hero service to reduce food waste in grocery stores. City of Espoo and 6Aika KIEPPI Partnership model for sustainable neighbourhoods project. 2020–2021.
- Net positive strategy development. Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd. 2020.
- Strategic sustainability development. Sweco Finland Oy. 2020.
- Statement on the consideration of flood risk in a city plan. The work was carried out in collaboration with Banafa Consulting Ltd. A law firm. 2020.
- Management of the Pioneers into Practice exchange programme and the development of new business models, EIT Climate-KIC Knowledge and Innovation Community. Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council. 2017–2020.
- Strategic foresight and development. Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd. 2019.
- Preparing the parts on Impact and Communication of a successful proposal coordinated by the Department
of Environmental and Biological Sciences of The University of Eastern Finland, to the Horizon 2020
Programme. 2018. - Supporting Tales by Trees in estimating its net impact and striving for Net Positive. 2017.
- Updating the programme of climate and energy actions (ILME) of Kauniainen municipality. 2016-2017.
- Climate change expert services for Technopolis Ltd. Support for climate change reporting and target setting and concept development of low carbon services. 2016-2017.
- Developing the corporate social responsibility communication of Särkänniemi amusement park. 2016.
- Support of the climate work of Citycon Corporation. 2015.
- Expert report for the Committee for the Future of the Finnish Parliament on the relation between innovations and combating climate change in four fields: buildings, traffic, food and participation of citizens. 2015.
- Support to Sitra’s Resource-wise and carbon-neutral society theme area work. 2015.
- Major contribution in the Lähienergiatori event arranged by Finnish Local Renewable Energy Association on 22.5.2015. 2015.
- Preparation of a project plan for the Smart Kalasatama business project, Forum Virium Helsinki. 2014.

TYRSKY Consulting
Pirjo Jantunen
Managing Director
Tel +358 44 276 7718
Kati Berninger
Research Director
Tel +358 40 879 8713
All e-mail addresses are in the format: firstname.lastname@tyrskyconsulting.fi. Tyrsky-Konsultointi Oy | VAT number: FI26029346 | Privacy Policy